ASTRO * QUEST (c) copyright 1994 Paul O. Hewit INSTALLATION: 1. To install the program, place the disk in the drive of your choice and then type the letter of the disk drive, A:\ or B:\ plus . 2. Now type INSTALL plus . This starts the easy installation of the program. 3. You will be asked which disk drive the diskette is in. Either A: or B: will be your choice. 4. Then you will be asked which hard drive you choose. Some people have very large hard drives, subdivided for efficient access, with letters all the way from C:\ to H:\ or even K:\ etc. There is also a user-defined subdirectory option if a subdirectory on your hard drive is your choice. 5. Now the INSTALL program will create the subdirectory in which ASTRO * QUEST will be stored, called QUEST, and copy the program and its files to the subdirectory. RUNNING ASTRO * QUEST: To run the program type AQ (short for ASTRO * QUEST), and . The program should run without difficulty. If you are in your D:\ hard drive section, and you have installed the program in the C:\ section, you won't be able to find the program. Change to the C:\ drive, type AQ , and ASTRO * QUEST should run without difficulty. If you are familiar with editing your PATH command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, you should add: C:\QUEST; to it, or G:\QUEST; etc, if the G:\ drive is where you have installed ASTRO * QUEST. That will allow you to run the program regardless of where you are on your computer. If you are a novice computer user, you may have seen references to the PATH command in your manuals. Its purpose is simple. Even if you have been on the B:\ drive, should you want to run AQ (ASTRO * QUEST), the computer searches all of the subdirectory PATHS to find the program for you, rather than you needing to be in the right hard drive subsection to begin with. REVIEW: Program Name: AQ (Short for ASTRO * QUEST) Subdirectory: QUEST PURPOSE: The program allows you to ask questions and gives you answers in the form of: PLANET in a HOUSE and SIGN. As an astrological oracle, you can ask it any type of question imaginable. Questions can cover romance, business, career, children's problems, travel, education, marriage, an argument with a spouse etc. The type and style of questions vary tremendously, depending on the person asking the question. For students of astrology, ASTRO * QUEST will sharpen their ability to interpret natal charts. Every planet in the chart is present by sign and house. Interpreting that is the art of astrology, and this program will help in sharpening their interpretive skills, as well as answering their immediate questions. MAIN MENU: At the second screen you will be presented with the first menu. There are a number of selections here. Each will be described after the list. 1. Go directly to the questions. 2. Change the screen colors. 3. Change the planetary colors. 4. What is ASTRO * QUEST 5. SHAREWARE NOTES. 6. Choose a Random or Rolling answer. 7. KEPLER from Cosmic Patterns. 8. CAREER REPORT from Heron & Hawk CAREERS 9. Mail order CAREER REPORTS X. Quit this program. 1. ASK A QUESTION: First you will be asked whether you wish to print all of the questions and answers on paper or just see them on the screen; your choice. At the end when you exit, you will be asked if you wish to add the questions and answers to your JOURNAL.TXT file. The program will add your latest questions to this file, complete with the date and time you started to ask the questions. To stop asking questions, just hit the key twice when you see the Q: prompt. That will take you to the EXIT MENU. You can exit here, or exit and store everything to the JOURNAL.TXT file, or start over. Starting over deletes the previous questions from the program's memory, if you do not wish to save them. 2. CHANGE THE SCREEN COLOURS You may not like the White, Blue and Red colours we've set up. Choose this option to see how to change them. To make a change, choose new text and screen colors by number. An example of how the color will look appears in the box to the left. Hit the key to keep the same color. 3. CHANGE THE PLANETARY COLORS Each planet has its own screen and text colors to aid your interpretation of the answers. If you wish to change them, please do it here. You will be asked for the number of the planet or node. The Sun is number 1, the Moon number 2 etc. Each planet's number is located to the left of its name. Choose the number first, then choose a new text color and then a new screen color. Type 20 and to exit from this color editing process. 4. WHAT IS ASTRO * QUEST Why did I write the program? How can you use it? Included in this section is a mini-tutorial about the 12 astrological themes, shown by the key words that will scroll across the bottom of your screen. 5. SHAREWARE NOTES This software is shareware. We wouldn't mind receiving a $12.00 donation from you if you use the program and enjoy it! Thanks. See this section for more details. 6. CHOOSE RANDOM/ROLLING ANSWERS You have a choice of letting the computer randomly choose the PLANET, HOUSE and SIGN contained in the answer. This is the RANDOM answer selection. Or, you can choose the answers yourself, by choosing the ROLLING answers. The rolling option keeps the possible answer rolling until you stop the roll by tapping any key three times. Tap once to choose the PLANET, once again to choose the SIGN, and once to choose the HOUSE. Both methods of choosing an answer are good. The choice is up to you. 7. KEPLER from Cosmic Patterns Information about KEPLER. Astrological software that is very good. See the section. 8. CAREER REPORT from Heron & Hawk CAREERS I first launched this product in 1986 as a mail-order career report, based upon a person's astrological chart. Now you can purchase the software. It generates a 30 page report. 9. Mail Order CAREER REPORTS You can order an individual Career Report for yourself, a friend or a relative, based upon their astrological chart. I have used the Report with my clients since 1986. The report has received good reviews. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded. -------------------------------------------------- KEY WORDS After you have asked a question, the Planet in a House and Sign answer will appear. At the bottom of the screen, a number of key words will appear to illustrate the answer to your question. Your challenge is to combine some of the key words shown to make a sentence. That has always been the art of astrology. Each PLANET, HOUSE and SIGN has its own short list of key words. The ones listed are a brief overview. They are not intended to be a complete summary. If the key words shown do not fit the question, try a few others of your own choosing. There are, as you may know, hundreds of key words for each of the planets alone. We hope you find the ones presented a starting place in your interpretations of the answers, clues to unravel all the layers of meaning presented by the astrological answers. JOURNAL.TXT FILE To look at this file, exit ASTRO * QUEST and load your word processor. Use your word processor to look at the journal. Should you wish to add comment to the JOURNAL.TXT file, please remember to save it as an ASCII file (DOS file), rather than a standard word processing file. FEEDBACK Please do write to us and let us know how you are using the program. Any ideas to improve it will be studied and if we are able, we will add the idea into the next version of the program. Thank you.